Coaching Writing

Write it right

Strategies you can use to get your story right from the outset, drawing on what I’ve learned in three decades of helping clients tell their stories.

COVID-19 Pandemic Wellness Writing

Post-pandemic dinner party

When it is safe to gather again, who will be around the table? It may be those who we’ve found a new connection with, it may be others who have lifted us up or, perhaps those we were able to help in some way. It could also be someone who just taught us how to laugh again when we needed it most.

Action Courage Fear Wellness

A few words about fear

There are ways we can all walk through the fears that we may have always carried or those that have emerged during these unusual times.

Lessons Lifestyle Nature Wellness Writing

My three words for 2021

I know I’m not the only one who was happy to bid 2020 farewell. But like many, I also have to admit there have been some personal discoveries that would never have happened with out the kick in the behind that 2020 gave to all of us. Covid has somehow brought me closer to what’s […]

COVID-19 Lessons Lifestyle Nature Wellness Wisdom Writing

Finding energy, balance and perspective in all the right places

It’s been a while. In my last blog, “Where do we go from here,” I wrote: “But remember, there’s no pressure. We need to be extra kind to ourselves in these uncertain times…” I followed my own advice.

Action Crisis People Wellness Wisdom

Where do we go from here?

After COVID-19 What will be different? What will we have learned? How might we do better? I turned to the young in years and the young at heart for answers.

Lifestyle Wellness Wisdom

Staying strong, calm and productive during trying times

I live and work remotely; the latter for most of my career. I thought I would share some of the things I have always done to thrive in times when I’ve felt isolated. Due to my lifestyle, I am more removed from COVID-19 than most people. But this hasn’t stopped me from worrying constantly about […]

Lifestyle Mental Health Nature

Nature as a cure

Most of us already know that time in nature is good for us. But do we really know just how good? I spoke with Dr. Joti Samra, R. Psych, who is a national thought leader on mental health.

Action Mental Health Stories

Addiction, mental illness, and hope

Even with all that’s been accomplished by campaigns like Bell Let’s Talk, many people don’t understand that addiction is also a mental illness.

Lessons Lifestyle Wellness Wisdom Writing

My 3 words for 2020

I’ve participated in marketing guru, speaker, and author Chris Brogan’s #my3words a few times, but this year I’ll be doing so with more intention.


Pushing through the blocks to blogging

So maybe…you’re ready to get blogging? Or, maybe you know you need some help. You’ll find it here.

Arts Mental Health Wellness

Post-secondary peer support: Meeting students where they are at

Peer support can prompt conversations that may never happen otherwise and help to reduce the stigma around mental health. It can also save lives.

Mental Health

World Suicide Prevention Day

Take some time today, World Suicide Prevention Day, to learn more about suicide and to honour those who have been affected.

Lessons Lifestyle People Wisdom

Teaching empathy and helping students see themselves in the world

Niki Taylor, a new teacher, shares her refreshing perspectives about seeking empathy, equality and community in the education system.


A Tale of Two Acting Students

Stepheny Hunter and Peter Sarty, both Halifax based actors and recent graduates from the Fountain School of Performing Arts at Dalhousie University, exhibit bravery, brilliance and a heap of resilience as they pursue their acting careers,

Arts Mental Health

A new look at an old story

The stunning images illustrator, artist and designer Everette Fournier created about addictions convey wisdom beyond her years.