I’ve often railed at some of my own personal fears – which I have often seen as failures – but in the midst of this, I received a prompt from the online (international) writing group I belong to look at the upside of failure.
Category: Writing
MightyWrite’s core service.
Sometimes you just need a little courage and will power to truly, move on.
Answers to questions to help look toward 2023 through a lens of hope, forgiveness, and self-love.
It’s that time of year to choose 3 words that will help guide our choices and actions every day. #my3words.
Earth Day inspires hope for renewal
It’s time to shed the weight of this long winter and welcome the promise of spring.
What is soon to be
In our part of Canada, we don’t trust spring. We know she’s a tease.
We were honoured to be awarded ‘Best Freelance Writing Firm’ but even more gratified by what we heard from clients, colleagues and friends.
A wolf story
A day where standing my ground and staying in the moment unleashed something beautiful.
Write it right: Know your audience
Knowing your audience and developing empathy for their concerns is where great communication begins.
Strategies you can use to get your story right from the outset, drawing on what I’ve learned in three decades of helping clients tell their stories.
When it is safe to gather again, who will be around the table? It may be those who we’ve found a new connection with, it may be others who have lifted us up or, perhaps those we were able to help in some way. It could also be someone who just taught us how to laugh again when we needed it most.
I know I’m not the only one who was happy to bid 2020 farewell. But like many, I also have to admit there have been some personal discoveries that would never have happened with out the kick in the behind that 2020 gave to all of us. Covid has somehow brought me closer to what’s […]
It’s been a while. In my last blog, “Where do we go from here,” I wrote: “But remember, there’s no pressure. We need to be extra kind to ourselves in these uncertain times…” I followed my own advice.
I’ve participated in marketing guru, speaker, and author Chris Brogan’s #my3words a few times, but this year I’ll be doing so with more intention.
Pushing through the blocks to blogging
So maybe…you’re ready to get blogging? Or, maybe you know you need some help. You’ll find it here.
If you can substitute someone else’s name in your story – and no one notices – you need to tell a different story.