Lifestyle Stories Writing

#eastcoastwearehere: Walking in some very big footsteps

This writer was in awe, walking in some very big footsteps at the homestead of author Lucy Maud Montgomery in Cavendish, PEI.


Good Enough: Is there a Catch?

Despite continually honing our craft as writers, there those who will still choose our often worthy competitor, Good Enough.

Lessons Mental Health Stories Wellness Wisdom Writing

Change is good…even when it hurts

Change is good. But sometimes it can be tinged with a gentle ache that perseveres even as we tell ourselves that the changes are all part of the natural progression of our lives.


Choosing the right length for your articles: The long and the short of it

The long and the short of what you need to do to make your story engaging, entertaining and valuable every word of the way.


Not so MightyWrite

As a writer, you never want to receive a draft back where your golden words are obliterated by revisions and comments. But it happens.


Tips and tricks real writers use to open more ears and eyes to your content

I admit there are some good writers out there who have little or no professional writing experience or training. But there’s still a case for hiring pros that know how to write content or stories that can rise above all the noise. In the end, the cost is likely not much different when you measure it against real, lasting results.

Nature Writing

Fly Away

The mist, the morning, the day, all emerging in their individual glory. It’s easy to miss. To be moving too fast off to the next thing and away from here. It is a rare gift to be still like this.


The power of the almighty word

Whatever approach you choose to use, content is still key. It’s the message and the words that hold the almighty power of converting potential clients into buyers.